
Welcome to the OpenMLP project!

By Fevereiro 8, 2016 No Comments

Open Mobile Learning Platform for SMEs – OpenMLP is a 2 years’ project funding under the Erasmus+ programme, aiming at designing an Open Mobile Learning Platform for SMEs for the promotion of the long term cooperation between training and business organizations:

·         Allowing them to design and implement training modules for the promotion and sustainability of entrepreneurial skills in SMEs;

·         Enable them to use ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) as supporters to train SMEs’ employees and new entrepreneurs, according to their needs.


The project involves 5 partners from 4 different countries SBC – BulgariaITC – SpainMentortec – PortugalBPW – Czech Republic and BCCBR – Bulgaria) and the consortium expects to develop 2 main products:

·         OpenMLP training programme and learning resources, specifically designed and structured to promote the acquisition of knowledge and the development of competences of entrepreneurs and wanna-be entrepreneurs;

·         OpenMLP mobile application and instructions pack to support the exchange of experiences and the development of knowledge and competences of entrepreneurs, based on a freely available application for modern mobile devices.


With this project, partners expect to contribute to the:

·         Development of entrepreneurial skills, improving the possibilities of employability and competitiveness of adults and new entrepreneurs;

·         Reinforcement of the network at local, regional, national and EU levels, in order to achieve the main goals of Europe 2020 agenda in the decrease of the unemployment rates;

·         Strengthen the cooperation and built strategic partnerships among SMEs, local authorities, business organisations and other stakeholders with positive impact on social, economic and political environment in each partner country;

·         Reduction of the negative impact of the economic crisis and counterbalanced disparity between employed and unemployed.


To know more about the project please contact the Portuguese partner, Mentortec by e-mail:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2015-1-BG01-KA204-014327



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