The final meeting of the YOUnique4EU project took place on 25th November 2021, marking the culmination of its activity. YOUnique4EU – Mapping and presenting your unique personal and social skills for better employability in the digital world – took place over the last two years and aimed to guide and support young people in transition from the training context to the professional market, by valuing and recognising their transversal skills.
Coordinated by the IHK (Germany), this project also involved four organisations, namely Mentortec (Portugal), Reattiva (Italy), SMEBOX (Sweden) and the University of Rostock (Germany).
Over two years of implementation, the project has developed three products:
1. YOUnique mapping;
2. The YOUnique application;
3. The two YOUnique manuals for trainers and professionals working in SMEs.
The products developed are available in 4 languages, including Portuguese, on the project website.