As part of the project All Aboard: Creating a community of ecological agents of change during childhood,the Mini-mentoring Workshop made up of three schools from Portugal, Turkey and Sweden implemented a mini-mentoring programme camp promoting collaboration between pupils of different ages (6 to 12) with the main aim of empowering children as ecological agents.

The initiative was successfully implemented in all three schools during the month of December 2023: at the Ebba Braheat, Ahmet Baldoktu Ilkokulu and Agrupamento de Escolas de Loureiro. The workshop was launched in each school through the sharing of information by teachers in their classes, and its development involved the implementation of 7 activities/mini-projects by each educational institution, with the help of the child mentors and their peers.

To take part in the initiative, 24 children have been selected from the 3 schools who have shown an interest in being mentor-children. The teachers will be responsible for presenting the RAM (Methodological Approach Reference) and the Play Resources to the mentor children before implementing the 7 activities that will be selected with the appropriate support. The aim of these activities is to be implemented this year and will involve a total of 240 children.

The Mentoring Workshop is therefore a fundamental pillar in the implementation of the All Aboard project.

For more information, visit the project website or contact